Hearing loss can have a direct impact to your mental and social health. Recent research has linked hearing loss with depression. One study (Gopinath et al, 2009) found that within the older adult population with hearing loss, estimates of depression suggest that up to 20% of older adults with hearing loss report a clinically relevant level of depression symptoms that would necessitate treatment, and an additional 22% experience the onset of depression symptoms over time.
There is evidence that treating hearing loss with hearing aids and auditory rehabilitation has been reported to lessen symptoms of depression. (Castiglione et al 2016, and Nkyekyer et al 2019)
Benefits of Treating Hearing Loss
According to the National Institute on Aging, people with hearing loss are reluctant to seek treatment with hearing aids because they are not aware of or in denial about the extent of their hearing loss. As a result, these people go without the treatment they need and, in turn, are more likely to become depressed, emotionally distressed, and withdraw from their favorite social activities.
Those who do decide to adopt hearing aids find that they can be substantially helpful. We can imagine how people who have their hearing loss treated are more likely to maintain healthy relationships with their loved ones as well as experience a greater sense of independence. Undoubtedly because hearing aids are designed to help individuals to listen and communicate more effectively, which can improve their social interactions.
Schedule an Appointment Today
Whether you are suffering from hearing loss or know somebody who is, the fact remains that a hearing aid could drastically improve your life. Avoid the preventable risk of becoming depressed or missing out on the social activities you enjoy. Boost your relationships with loved ones, your self-confidence, and your overall sense of safety by scheduling an appointment to learn if you are a candidate for hearing aids.
We have a wide selection of the latest technology in hearing aids for you to choose from, and we are happy to assist you in selecting the ideal option for your lifestyle. Contact us today to set up your free hearing appointment and find out more about what we can do for you!
Cosh S, Helmer C, Delcourt C, Robins TG, Tully PJ. Depression in elderly patients with hearing loss: current
perspectives. Clin Interv Aging. 2019;14:1471-1480. Published 2019 Aug 14. doi:10.2147/CIA.S195824
The cognitive and psychosocial effects of auditory training and hearing aids in adults with hearing loss.Nkyekyer J, Meyer D, Pipingas A, Reed NS Clin Interv Aging. 2019; 14():123-135.
Gopinath B, Wang JJ, Schneider J, et al. Depressive symptoms in older adults with hearing impairments: the blue mountains study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2009;57(7):1306–1308.
Aging, Cognitive Decline and Hearing Loss: Effects of Auditory Rehabilitation and Training with Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants on Cognitive Function and Depression among Older Adults.
Castiglione A, Benatti A, Velardita C, Favaro D, Padoan E, Severi D, Pagliaro M, Bovo R, Vallesi A, Gabelli C, Martini A. Audiol Neurootol. 2016; 21 Suppl 1():21-28
Nkyekyer J, Meyer D, Pipingas A, Reed NS. The cognitive and psychosocial effects of auditory training and hearing aids in adults with hearing loss. Clin Interv Aging. 2019;14:123–135. doi:10.2147/CIA.S183905
NIH (sourced June 2021) https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/hearing-loss-common-problem-older-adults
Cox RM, Johnson JA, Xu J. Impact of Hearing Aid Technology on Outcomes in Daily Life I: The Patients’ Perspective. Ear Hear. 2016;37(4)